Muse Wellness
Live brilliantly from head to soul!

About Muse:
Muse Wellness is a lifestyle & wellness education company committed to helping you improve your life by treating your body (and soul) through nutrition. What you eat, how well you sleep, and what you stress about, affects the way your body looks on the outside and works on the inside. Muse Wellness provides support in the care and prevention of chronic dysfunctions of the body including hypertension, PCOS, diabetes, acne, and other skin-related disorders and specializes in key issues including weight management, stress reduction, self-esteem, and balanced living.
The name Muse is all about inspiration. Your muse is that thing that will encourage you whether your goal is to lose a few pounds, get sexy skin, get more restful sleep, or just be a more awesome you. A variety of programs were created to help you. The Muse Challenge: 8 weeks to a more brilliant you! inspires you to create the life and body you want, and The M.U.S.E. Project helps girls find their inner inspiration, make positive choices in their lives and feel beautiful in their bodies. The Happy Muse blog offers healthful tips to stay motivated on your wellness journey. You can also follow Tasha on LinkedIn & Instagram and join the mailing list below to keep up with the Muse Lifestyle. Don't forget to check out Muse Wellness' online dispensary for discounts on supplements and your favorite personal care products.
So, what are you waiting for? It's time to find your Muse.