Muse Wellness
Live brilliantly from head to soul!
The M.U.S.E. Project
(My Unique Self Esteem) ...for girls
53% of 13-year-old American girls are unhappy with their bodies. This number grows to 78% by the time the girls reach age 17.**

The M.U.S.E. Project wants every girl who looks in a mirror to see something beautiful. The program helps her realize her full potential by finding her “inner muse”- that inner inspiration that leads to greater self esteem…allowing her to achieve big things! The M.U.S.E. Project is targeted to girls (grades 6-12) who struggle with feeling beautiful in their bodies and provides a holistic approach to healthy living- combining nutrition and esthetic education to help her overcome insecurities, increase her self-esteem, and boost her confidence in her unique beauty. It’s not about vanity, but sometimes it is the outside that makes the inside feel better. And when she feels better, a whole world of potential is revealed. The M.U.S.E. Project also offers lifestyle workshops that teach her how to feel better about who she is while encouraging her to make positive choices in her life. Together, we believe when a young woman looks in the mirror and sees someone worthy, that is her catalyst for change!
For more information send a message to The M.U.S.E. Project on the contact page.
**Brumberg, Joan J., "The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls," 1998.