Nov 15, 20232 min read
Change IS Good
Recently I heard someone say, “Some people park at the point of their pain and stay there the rest of their lives.” It got me thinking...

Nov 8, 20231 min read
Be Grateful
No matter what has happened to you (or in spite of you), you will never be happy if you don’t adopt an attitude of gratitude. As someone...

Nov 1, 20232 min read
How Are You Showing Up?
In the marketing of goods and services, there are the famous “4 Ps of Marketing”- product, price, place, and promotion, and any good...

Oct 18, 20232 min read
The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil
Where you are right now is where you have chosen to be. Let that sink in for a minute. Every decision you have made up until this point...

Oct 11, 20231 min read
How Do You Feel?
How many times have you heard someone say, “I feel so stupid”, “I feel dumb”, or some other self-deprecating statement. Maybe you have...

Oct 4, 20232 min read
Own Your Stuff
In every breakup story in every “rom-com” is this classic line- “It’s not you, it’s me.” That phrase is supposed to make the recipient of...

Sep 27, 20232 min read
JUST is a 4-Letter Word
The word ‘just’ has a few different meanings. As an adjective it refers to what is morally right and fair- “a just cause”. As an adverb,...

Sep 20, 20231 min read
Think Yourself Healthy
The ultimate quality of your life is determined by the words you speak and the ones you continue to think. Our words and thoughts create...

Sep 13, 20232 min read
Let Your Guard Down
Perhaps you know the acronym F.E.A.R. stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. What we think will happen (the source of our fear) is...

Aug 31, 20232 min read
Wiggle Your Toes
With the start of anything new may come fear and trepidation. A new school, a new position, or a new season in life can create some...

Jun 7, 20232 min read
What Would You Do for Free?
I recently had the pleasure of facilitating a mindfulness retreat for a group of colleagues. One of our discussion questions was “If...

May 24, 20232 min read
Unlikely Friends
I have been taught or perhaps I just believed that after age 30 I would not make new friends. By that age, college or any formalized...